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‘I have never felt more confident or proud of myself’: Rose of Tralee Róisín Wiley’s final Rose Newsletter

My final newsletter, where has the time gone?

I first want to say a thank you to all of those that have taken the time to read these updates throughout the year. I am so happy that I get to share this journey, and these newsletters have been a very special way for me to do that.

The last few months as the current International Rose of Tralee have been the perfect culmination to what has been the best year of my life, so far. I feel as though I can break this year up into 12 chapters – whether it’s been the events I’ve attended or the places I’ve traveled, each month has brought a new stage of this journey. During the Spring and early Summer, I have spent a lot of time reflecting on my experience as the International Rose, and I feel like it is preparing me for what is to come in August.

Some of the major events over these last few months that have prepared me for my hand over have been the 2024 Rose Selections. I think I can speak on behalf of most Rose’s in saying that we all somewhat fear the day we have to hand over our sash. We never want to think that the excitement of being a Rose will end. I am relieved to say that after attending Rose Selections, I have a new perspective on what it means to hand over your sash. We have always been told, “Once a Rose, always a Rose” and I don’t think I really understood that until I watched my fellow Roses pass the torch. These women will always be Roses, and the beauty of this festival is that it will continue to grow and stay alive through each new class of Roses. As we hand over our sash, we become a mentor and friend to our new Rose, and it’s such a special friendship and bond that will be made. My relationship with the 2022 New York Rose, Cathrena Collins, and of course 2022 International Rose, Rachel Duffy, have been some of the most important relationships I’ve built along this journey, and I am so grateful for the encouragement and support they have shown me. In passing over our sash, we are closing one chapter of our Rose journey, but opening another. 

Speaking of, in June, I had the honor of handing over the New York Rose sash to the beautiful Billie Cooper. There were wonderful Roses competing in this year’s New York selection. The New York Rose Selection takes place over a weekend – we met Friday evening for dinner and the Roses had their individual interviews with each of the judges. I love this part of the weekend as you can see the nerves melt away as everyone gets to meet one another and bond over the process so far, their connection to Ireland, and why they want to participate in the Rose of Tralee.

The next day, both the Roses and Rose Buds headed into New York City for an exciting photoshoot. We met in the heart of Manhattan, Times Square – I think that may have been my first time wearing my sash around Times Square, I can’t believe it took me that long! Each of our New York Rose contestants also wore a sash representing their sponsor. After snapping a few photos in Times Square, we then made our way to Bryant Park & the New York Public Library, which was just a 10-minute walk. I think we all felt like Carrie Bradshaw in our dresses and heel strutting around NYC. We then had lunch in Slattery’s, and the Roses headed home to get ready for our Saturday Night Selection.

Our 2015 New York Rose, Sophie Colgan, emceed the evening – this was particularly special for me as Sophie emceed my selection last year, and also has become a close friend to me on my Rose journey. Sophie has a way of making each Rose feel very comfortable and confident on stage, and I think every Rose walked off stage feeling happy because of the energy Sophie gives to the conversation. Our 2024 New York Rose class was very talented – dancers, comedians, singers, story tellers; it was a very entertaining night. Our 2024 New York Rose was announced around midnight, Billie Cooper! Billie hails from Cavan and lives on the Upper West Side while she is getting her master’s in social work at Columbia University. I am honored to pass the torch to Billie, and I am so excited to see her thrive in Tralee as the New York Rose.

Another special moment over the last few months has been the opportunity to be featured on the new Roses of Tralee Podcast, hosted by Nicola Dunne. Nicola is the 2012 International Rose of Tralee, and also happened to be one of the judges who selected me 😊 Nicola launched this podcast this year – the podcast shares the unique stories of the women who have been selected as the International Rose, since 1959. Nicola has released episodes featuring a number of International Roses so far, including our first International Rose, Alice O’Sullivan. We are able to hear first-hand from the Roses some of their favorite memories and stories from their year as the International Rose, and also about the thread that continues to keep us all connected decades later. I thoroughly enjoyed my chat with Nicola as it helped me reflect on the year I’ve had – sometimes in the midst of it all it’s easy to get caught up in the madness, and it was very special to chat with the person that played a massive role in getting me to the place I am today. I cannot wait to get to Tralee and spend more time with the International Roses – this group of women has taken me under their wing and supported me along my Rose journey, and I feel so lucky to be a part of this sisterhood.

I am writing this newsletter as I am on my last flight back to New York from Ireland, before the festival. I think this may be flight #24 of the year, somewhere around there anyway haha…This trip may be competing as one of my favorite trips of the year. Although the catalyst of this trip was to watch Limerick play in the All-Ireland (which never happened), I feel very fulfilled about the two weeks I got to spend driving around Ireland, completing some special Rose duties, and visiting family and friends. One very special and unique moment for me was getting to open the Gowns of Glory exhibit in Tralee. I cannot believe I have a dress that will be in a museum for the rest of my life…I think that will need to be my fun fact anytime I am asked that question in the future! I am still in awe of the dresses, and the effort and care that goes into maintaining this exhibit every year. Each dress tells a story about the Rose who wore it, and the exhibit so beautifully honors that.

Along with launching the exhibit, I also had the honor of meeting our 2024 Judges. I recognised a few names, Ollie Turned and Nuala Carey, who also judged my selection. I was also very excited to see that Don O’Neil was announced as a judge – this is a full circle moment for me, as Don was the guest of honor at the 2022 New York Rose Selection, which was my first time ever participating in the Rose of Tralee. And lastly, Mindy O’Sullivan, our 1998 Rose of Tralee will be on the panel – I first met Mindy when she visited New York a few months ago, and I am so looking forward to spending some more time with Mindy and the group in Tralee. 

The last event, and possibly my favorite of this last visit, was getting to go to the Galway Races! This has been a bucket list item for me since I was a little girl. I remember seeing my cousins go to the Races, with their beautiful dresses and fascinators, and dreamed about going one day. Never could I have believed I would also get to go as the Rose of Tralee. Our Carlow Rose, Caoimhe, a few of the Rose Escorts, Joe, Tommy, Mark, and Shane, and myself went racing together. I definitely needed a little guidance on how to bet and follow the races, but I think I’m hooked. I felt like I was in an episode of Peaky Blinders watching the bookies and wearing my fabulous fascinator. I was very lucky to wear one of Carol Kennelly’s beautiful pieces for the day. I also got to meet some of our 2024 Roses, which really made everything start to feel real as we’re approaching the 2024 Festival! Hopefully it is not my last day at the races.

We are now about a week away from the 2024 Rose of Tralee Festival. To our 2024 Rose Class – I am so excited for you to experience the wonder of the festival. I cannot believe that I get to experience this twice, and I am so looking forward to being a friend and mentor to our 2024 Roses, and our new International Rose of Tralee. 

As my time as the 2023 Rose of Tralee comes to an end, I have reflected on all of the wonderful changes in my life because of this Festival. I first think about the people and experiences – I continue to feel overwhelmed with love, encouragement, and kindness. I am so blessed, and I would not have gotten through this year without the support system around me. Whether it has been the team in Tralee, my fellow Roses and Escorts, my friends in New York, or my family, I feel like I have the best fan club in the world and I don’t know what I’ve done to deserve this. I will never forget what you’ve done for me. Beyond the people around me, I think about how I have changed as a person. I have never felt more confident or proud of myself. This role has challenged me, and as I look back I am shocked at what I’ve accomplished. I have learned to trust that if you work towards something and set goals, you can achieve them. I hope to continue learning from this experience and to carry the confidence that this has given me through my life. 

There is nothing like the Rose of Tralee around the world, and I am honored to have been an ambassador for the Festival this year. “Once a Rose, always a Rose”

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